Safety 3rd!
/In all my years as a Registered Kinesiologist specialising in Ergonomics, it still makes me wonder,
“Why do I always and only get called when the worker is at a Stage 3 chronic musculoskeletal dis-order?”. It still boggles my mind here in 2020, as I have been working with this passion for many decades.
These days, I still get to go visit a workplace either in person with full hazmat Covid19 PPE or virtually from the comfort of my home office. Upon arrival this wounded person is so happy to see me (bonus) as they have been suffering for years trying to find help, no judging, when finally an ergonomic risk assessment is now being performed.
I can honestly say the majority of the root causes of strains and sprains (micro tearing of tissue) happens at work… 8-12 hours/day for 25-35 years!
I love to problem solve and put the whole puzzle together (workplace, employer, employee, environment etc.) to come up with solutions, to reduce pain, enhance quality of life and save companies thousands of dollars. I am fortunate as I never get bored. Some days it feels like the ERGO ER as I am called as the last resort and reducing the root cause of pain.
I realise there are so many factual reasons as to why this scenario keeps me in motion. Corporation vision, budgets, assets, bottom-line and awareness. We know strains and sprains are not sexy, health is not sexy and don’t always make the stock exchange.
Makes cognitive sense but not heart sense to me. So Jo Hurd Safety 3rd has many meanings now,
Health 1st, Happiness 2nd, Safety 3rd, 3rd degree strain and sprain?
My intention is to always lower the movement risks, for the employer and employee.
Thanks for reading my blog. Please “like” if you feel it.
Take good care,
Jo Hurd
#WorkShouldntHurt #biomechanics #ONKin #kinesiology #health #hurdabouthealth #consulting #professional #businesssense #corporate #workplaces #ergonomics #healthandsafety #dissabilitymanagement #humanresources #painsandstrains