Virtual Surgery 10 - Urban Pole Walking

Hi there

In keeping with the increased walkinbg as a positive to this pandemic, I have discovered the beauty and effectiveness of urban pole walking. Yes, you may have seen me sauntering with my MRC green urban poles. I often hear people call out, “Where is the snow Jo?” . I am thinking these peeps a cross country skiers.

Healing 3 bulging discs (Faith, Hope and Grace) and because I am a forever Registered Geek Kinesiologist (who loves to learn) I re-learned the functional strengthening technique of the lower and upper back called the “Sling” method. This method involves functional strengthening of the very powerful QL (quadratus lumborum) muscle of the low and mid-back. By walking and reaching forward with the urban poles, opposite arm to opposite leg, we engage the full upper, lower back as well as our shoulders. This is how the human body was built and designed to move.

I also discovered that urban pole walking during covid19 has really helped with physical and social distancing lol. Even before covid19, walking with my poles seemed to spark a kinder and more mindful greeting from people on the street. Maybe they thought I had a visual impairment as well. I really can’t read minds but it certainly was a nice change and vibe, kind of felt like a pre-covid19 human behaviour training.

Even if you haven’t had a low back event, walking this way, truly keeps us strong and moving with ease. I have had a lot of lovely people stop and ask me about my new sports equipment. I enjoy teaching anyone about this biomechanical workout, and now I see more people walking with urban poles! How fun is that?

I hope to see you out there, urban pole walking is finally here in North Bay. Psst, Europe has been rocking this for decades.

Stay healthy!


#urbanpolewalking #walking #biomechanics #strenthgtraining #motorcontrollearning #brain #cognitivehealth #ONKin #kinesiology #health #hurdabouthealth #consulting #professional #business

Tragically it's Back

As a seasoned and passionate Kinesiologist, I have tried very hard to help prevent the painful yet real classic low back disorder, both professionally and personally.  And isn't ironic, don't you think (Alanis Morissette)  It's like bulging discs when you try to keep fit.  I too have fallen recently to the lowest of low events for my back body journey.  One thing for sure is that I am more humbled and more the wiser for this "research" into musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).  My reality today is to saunter around my block to begin to learn to walk again.  My daily body scan decides whether or not I will challenge myself to shower AND wash my hair, thank the gods for stylish toques and Buff's. 

Rebuilding my strength and endurance and healing properly takes self care and time, this I now make time for as an entrepreneur.  I have learned that creating a healing space with less stress and no timelines are the ticket to healthy regrowth.  I have had a great 4x4 life and I plan to have another great one in this new chapter, because the body does regrow and heal itself if we allow it to.

#lowback #MSD #discbulge #health #ergonomics #ONKin #movement #hurdabouthealth #surgery #virtualsurgery

Talk to you soon,
